Strengthen your kid’s future with Mercantile Podiththo Minor savings account

“Mercantile Podiththo minor savings” product is designed to inculcate savings habit among kids from their early childhood to secure the future in terms of their higher education and health. The account offers competitive interest rates, flexible deposit options and various additional benefits to meet the needs of minor as well as their guardians. Any kid below 18 years can open a minor savings account.


There are two product categories to choose

1. Mercantile Podiththo Gift Scheme 3.5% (Below 12 year kids are only entitled for the scheme)

Range of valuable gifts will be received based on their savings balances.

Savings Value (Rs) Gift item
500 Till box
2,500 LED writing tab
5,000 Chess board
10,000 Stationery Pack
15,000 School Bag
25,000 3,000 worth DSI gift voucher
50,000 Kids Scooter
100,000 Chopper Bicycle
200,000 Guitar
300,000 Tablet

When the account balance reaches to 300,000 all the gifts are entitled.

2. Mercantile Podiththo high interest rate scheme 6.25%

Gift items are not entitled for the scheme. 

Additional benefits

  • Valuable insurance cover will be offered for both schemes with Hospitalization per day cover for minor accounts holder up to 21 days per annum. Rs. 2,500 payments per day and Rs. 50,000 payments for the minor account holder at the event of death of the parent.
  • The students who get through year 05 scholarship with highest marks will be rewarded with a cash reward.

Initial Deposit

  • A parent/guardian with a child under 18 years can open “Mercantile Podiththo” minor savings account with the initial deposit of Rs.500.

Required documents to open a minor savings account.

  • Minor Savings Mandate and KYC of the guardian.
  • National Identity Card /Pass Port/Driving license of the guardian.
  • Copy of Minor’s Birth Certificate/Copy of the National Identity Card

You can open a minor savings account by visiting any of the branches located island wide.

Benefits of Mercantile Investments Savings Accounts:
  • Can be opened with a minimum initial deposit of LKR 1,500/=
  • Any number of withdrawals permitted per month
  • Interest calculated daily and credited monthly
  • Special rate of return for senior citizens

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